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Naša ekipa za podporo vam z veseljem pomaga pri kakršnih koli vprašanjih. Pošljite nam sporočilo in odgovorili vam bomo v najkrajšem možnem času.

Pošljite nam sporočilo

Frequently asked questions.

Here are some Question that we get asked oftenly from our users.

We mainly offer our service to singles who are either looking for friendship, casual or serious relationships.

We use advanced encryption system to keep your information safe and confidential. Your data is safe with us.

Sure, you can secure your profile private. Only your friends will see your profile picture. Others will see generic picture with locked logo.

You can easily register to our dating website through Facebook login.

You can have crystal-clear and crisp audio/video calls with your friends.

You can use Relish Dating on your android mobile app. If you are using iOS, you can have excellent experience in  Relish Dating with your browsers through our Progressive Web App.

Contact our team through the contact form and we will  help you with the best answers to the questions you have.

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